All-American Rejects’ Tyson Ritter- Confirms Rihanna Collaboration,yay!

Band’s frontman says he’ll try both aggressive rock songs and ‘fun, clubby ideas’ for the pop star.
For months now, rumors have been swirling that All-American Rejects frontman Tyson Ritter was working with Rihanna on her upcoming album in a partnership made in hitmaker heaven. After all, Ritter already has an impressive string of radio smashes to his credit (”Swing, Swing,” “Dirty Little Secret,” “Move Along” and, most recently, “Gives You Hell,”), and Rihanna, well, she’s Rihanna.

The only problem was, neither party had actually commented on those rumors. Until last Friday, that is. As Ritter and AAR guitarist Nick Wheeler rehearsed with Wale and UCB for their performance on Sunday’s VMAs, MTV News asked him about working with Rihanna. And he was more than willing to talk about the collaboration.

“I actually met with her a couple of weeks ago and the funny thing is, I actually don’t remember half of it,” Ritter laughed. “I remember the first half of meeting her, but then, as the night progressed, somebody decided to drink too much Jameson.”

“But seriously, she’s such a sweet girl that I’m gonna try to give her a little piece of my heart,” he went on. “I wanna get in a room with her, and I wanna see what flies. I’ve got some songs for her, like, little things written, and I wanna see what she wants. See if she wants something aggressive and rock, and I’ve also kinda got some really fun, clubby ideas.”

Tanggapan Buat Rihanna : Rihanna... aku doa'in buat kamuu (sweetyy )!! biar jadi duetnya!!! tapi nape kagak ama Beyonce?? mengapa malah ke All American Reject?? bosen tau duet ama anak band mulu!! skali-kali ama diva Britsh dunk!! yakin dehh album baru-mu pasti laris manis! tapi..however., i'll support watever u do!! i love u full lahh pokonamah!!

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